Members of the Board

Cody Steger

Cody Steger is the founder of Helping Families Heal. In 2014 Cody and his wife went through the unfortunate loss of their child Mark. They both know what it is like to deal with the stress of trying to make sure things are paid for and trying to grieve properly. They vowed that one day they would start an organization that helps families take the financial stress away so that those families can grieve properly. So HFH was born.


Cody and his wife Leonna have been married for 12 years and have 4 great children at home. Cody sits on the board of directors as the President and also acts as the Executive Director.

Stephen Counihan is the Vice President and Assistant director


Stephen is a single father with four kids and a full time police officer. Who enjoys being able to assist members of his local community in any way possible.

Bonnie Miller

Bonnie Miller is the Treasurer.

My husband Mark & I have three children. The oldest is Jennifer who lives in TX, then Will who lives in KS & Leonna who lives in MO. My life has pretty much revolved around my kids. I work now at Westview Community Church cleaning. I never dreamed I would end up losing a grandchild & we have lost two. So we know firsthand what that feels like & it was absolutely horrible to watch my daughter & her husband go through it as well as their daughter. 

We thought long & hard about this foundation for nearly 10 years never knowing how or when we would be able to do anything. The time has now arrived to start. We are all excited to help families who are going through loss even if it is just a small part  we want to see these families heal as best as they are able through the devastating loss of a child. 

William Miller is the IT Director of Helping Families Heal. William handles the day-to-day operations of the the technology infrastructure for the organization. 


William and his wife Amanda are married and have 2 boys.

Michelle Richardson is the Events Manager.

Molly Hastings

Molly Hastings is the Secretary.

Molly is also a local criminal defense attorney in the Kansas City area, and has been in private practice for 10 years after opening The Hastings Law Firm.  Prior to that, she served as a public defender in both urban and rural areas of Missouri for over 13 years.  She lives in the River Market with her husband of 22 years, Jimmy, a US postal mailman, and her 4 year old beagle and light of her life, Betty.  Molly is working on a project to visit all 50 US states in 5 years, and is a die hard Prince fan, may he rest in peace.

James Mickens

Advisor's on the board